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DELE 考试准备

DELE 考试准备课程

无论你想在西班牙、阿根廷还是你的国家参加 DELE 考试,我们都希望看到你取得成功。DELE对外西班牙语水平证书)是一项语言能力考试,旨在证明你的西班牙语能力。

T这项国际公认的认证由塞万提斯学院(西班牙)授予,并在每年的定期举办。我们强烈建议你提前报名,参加DELE备考课,并在考试前到巴塞罗那、马德里、马拉加或布宜诺斯艾利斯进行为期两到三周的 DELE 考试准备。

DELE 考试准备由单独的课程组成,旨在帮助你培养通过考试所需的能力。

DELE 考试准备课速览


每周 10 节一对一私教课程




最短 1 周,建议 3 周


周一至周五,下午 2:30 或 4:30 开始


A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.


一对一 私教课




欢迎礼包、开课第一天提供学习材料借用服务、每周沉浸式课后活动、24/7 紧急援助、迎新活动。



课程中提供的学习材料旨在帮助您为考试以及考试的不同领域做好准备。在 DELE 考试准备结束时,你将参加模拟考试,这将帮助你应用所获得的知识和技能并为考试做好准备。


Diploma de Español Nivel A1 (Beginner level): With the completion of this level, the student qualifies that they are able to manage commonly used expressions and has developed the basic Spanish necessary in the communication of immediate needs and everyday situations.

Diploma de Español Nivel A2 (Elementary level): This certification signifies that the student able to understand commonly used phrases as well as personal expressions, such as family information, geography and hoobies.

Diploma de Español Nivel B1 (Intermediate level):  Students at this level present the ability to understand and respond appropriately to most normal and day-to-day situations. They are are also able to express desires, needs, and opinions in a neutral Spanish.

Diploma de Español Nivel B2 (Intermediate level): This certificate implies the ability to understand and communicate complex topics such as technical and or abstract concepts. The student can also produce a clear and detailed text which analyses and defends a personal opinion, as well as interact with a native speaker with ease and fluency.

Diploma de Español Nivel C1 (Proficient level): At this level, students are  able to navigate the structure of the language with fluency and ease, in both written and oral communication. Students should feel comfortable communicating in a wide array of social situations, as well as express opinions and take part in discussions.

Diploma de Español Nivel C2 (Advanced level): The advanced C2 certificate implies that the student has developed adequate language competence needed to manage social situations with ease, adapt their communication style to different contexts, and understand the cultural customs embedded within the language that they use.

有关 DELE 考试准备的常见问题解答