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What You Need to Take When Travelling to Barcelona

One of the smartest, and most effective learning strategies is to put your skills to the test and travel to a country with the official language. While abroad, you’ll be able to immerse yourself in the culture and will experience inner growth as a result.

Louisa Bayburtian
Louisa Bayburtian
students in Barcelona

If you’re looking to achieve mastery of the Spanish language, you’ll need to spend a few weeks or more in the Catalan metropolis. Going abroad for long periods may seem daunting, and you may be asking yourself what you should bring when on your study abroad adventure. We’ve collected a general list based on our experiences but you should of course bring things that make sense to you.

All-Range Clothing

Barcelona is a city known for its hot summers and mild winters, however it’s also widely known for its unpredictable weather. When not in the middle of summer (July) or winter (January), the temperature tends to flip back and forth between hot and very cold, interspersed with rain.

When summer rolls around the city doesn’t just heat up, it becomes dense. There is a high humidity level in Barcelona due to the proximity to the ocean, making for a sweaty, uncomfortable heat.

Winter on the other hand is very mild and pleasant during the day. But be warned, once the sun drops, the temperature does as well. Barcelona is the perfect city for mastering Spanish because literally no two days are the same.

In order to properly pack for Barcelona, it’s important that you bring a variety of clothes, such as shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, shorts, etc. Remember not to over-pack! When in doubt, pack clothing that can be easily layered and shed depending on the weather. More than likely you’ll want to buy clothing once in Spain, so having extra suitcase space isn’t going to hurt.

Appropriate Technology

There’s no getting around it, we can’t live without technology. Living in the digital age with so many modern gadgets allows us to do almost anything with ease. If it’s your first time abroad, you might think that you’ll need to bring everything you could possibly think of with you. Don’t be fooled! Bringing more technology in anticipation of what “might happen” isn’t the best route and will just end up weighing you down.

You should bring the technology that reflects the types of experiences you’re hoping to have in Spain. If you’re looking to start a blog about your study abroad experience, bring a laptop or tablet. If you’re hoping to make a sweet video about your experience, bring a GoPro or professional camera.

One of the most important things to remember about studying abroad is that you’re going to be in a brand new city, brimming with new experiences and people to meet. That being said, it’s unlikely you’ll be spending weekends watching Netflix or playing video games like you did back home. Packing the appropriate technology will make those afternoon and weekend adventures a lot less cumbersome.

An Open Mind!

This is by far the most important on the list. Studying a language, it’s about getting to meet new people from around the world and being immersed in a different culture. Travel is the healthiest, most mind-opening thing a young person can do for personal growth. Travel makes a person curious, hungry for information, open to accept cultures that are different from their own. We always recommend that students embrace every opportunity that comes their way when traveling.

Have plenty of activities for students outside of school. Outside of the usual tourist places, Barcelona is a very welcoming place with many little surprises in its corners.

In the End

You just need to pack smart and arrive in Spain with an open mind.

You also have the possibility of travelling to Málaga, and to Madrid.

Spain has an extremely rich culture with tons of friendly faces and unlimited things to discover. It’s guaranteed that you’ll return home speaking great Spanish, but you’ll also return with numerous stories, unforgettable memories, and a friend base that spans the world.

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