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Say “Hola!” to the New Expanish!

We’ve had a makeover! Welcome to the new-look Expanish - an updated brand identity and fresh visual style that showcases what we’re truly about.

Marc Rogers
Marc Rogers
Say “Hola!” to the New Expanish!

We’re thrilled to present the new Expanish brand: a new visual and verbal identity that we think better represents our personality, vision and values.

Since 2006, we’ve connected more than 90,000 students from 100+ countries with Spanish-speaking cities and cultures. We’ve built a vibrant, global community around cultural exchange and transformative experiences.

Now it’s our turn for a transformation - this is the new Expanish.   

A visual style that expresses who we are

With our new brand we also wanted to stand out with a distinctive new look that expresses our core values of creativity, positivity and community. Expanish is a place for connection and positive transformation, where people from all over the world can share fun and meaningful experiences in a Spanish-speaking community. We believe our new visual style reflects this concept while capturing our playful spirit.

Expressing our core values
Expressing our core values

Connecting Cultures

Creating a new identity is also about transmitting our core vision at Expanish: “connecting cultures”. 

As people we make connections when we travel and learn about different cultures, when we interact with new people and places, when we develop friendships and share enriching experiences. We believe that through these connections we find inspiration, meaning and sense of belonging. 

That’s why at Expanish we’ve always strived to offer our students much more than just an educational experience: with us you will learn Spanish, yes, but you will also embark on a journey of discovery, connection and growth. Above all, we see our language centres in Barcelona, Madrid, Málaga and Buenos Aires as hubs of interculturalism. Fun and welcoming spaces where people can connect with a diverse community, create strong and lasting relationships, and develop a deeper understanding of Spanish-speaking societies.

“Connecting Cultures” is at the heart of our new brand identity. It’s what we’re truly about and what keeps us moving forward every day.

A new look that captures our playful spirit
A new look that captures our playful spirit

A new look, the same Expanish experience

We’re not changing anything about the premium study abroad experience we offer all Expanish students. We’re still your home away from home, with top-class school facilities, personalised customer service, and a wide range of services tailored to your needs. In fact, we’re continuing to expand and innovate, adding new products such as summer camps for juniors, specialist study abroad programs for US universities and customized group tours for high school groups. 

We’re excited to be on this journey and we’d love to have you with us.

Welcome to the new Expanish

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