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5 Reasons Taking a Spanish Language Exam is a Great Investment

Getting your Spanish level officiated by an official diploma is crucial if you want to use the language in a professional or academic setting. It's even sometimes required to gain residency in a Spanish-speaking country. Here's why we thinking study for, and taking, a Spanish language exam is worthwhile.

Audrey Smith
Audrey Smith
5 Reasons Taking a Spanish Language Exam is a Great Investment

Here at Expanish we always say that the most important part of learning a new language is communicating with others. That's why we use the 'communicative approach' to teach Spanish, which encourages students to interact and speak in Spanish with teachers and peers alike from day one.

However, while you’re on the journey towards mastering your Spanish, there may come a point where you want something more. To use your Spanish in professional or academic settings you usually need to prove that you have obtained a certain level of proficiency. For this you'll need to take Spanish language exams like the DELE (Spanish as a foreign language diploma) and SIELE (International Spanish Language Evaluation Service), which give you an official diploma that certifies your Spanish language level.

Official Spanish language exams like the DELE and SIELE are challenging. And they should be - the certificate wouldn’t be worth much if they weren’t. That's we always recommend taking a certified Spanish exam preparation course in a Spanish-speaking country. That way you will be able to study the specific language skills that are included in the exams and be fully immersed in Spanish on a daily basis. We think this will put you in the best position to pass these exams.

But you might be wondering: it is worth taking a Spanish language exam? Are those hours of study and revision worth your time and money? We say, without a doubt, yes! This is your chance to get an official certificate from Spanish authorities that tells the world - and future employers - that your Spanish has been tested and is up to standard. In that spirit, here are five reasons why taking a Spanish language exam is a great investment.

Spanish Language Exams are Recognized Worldwide

Spanish language exams like the DELE and SIELE are issued by important government institutions, which means every country in the world recognized their value. The DELE test is made by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport of Spain, and is accredited by the Cervantes Institute, the largest organization in the world dedicated to promoting the study of the Spanish language.

Backed by international accreditation means that your Spanish language skills are officially recognized and hold a lot of weight in the professional and academic markets. With big incentives, both personally and professionally, taking these exams is a worthwhile investment, especially when all you need is a short, hands-on prep course.

Lifetime Guarantee

The great thing about the DELE exam is that the certificate never expires, meaning that whether it be in 2 years or 20, the certificate will demonstrate your Spanish language skills for years to come. Unlike the DELE, the SIELE exam is valid for only 2 years and then it must be renewed. For exams like the DELE, the lifetime benefits of having an official diploma that certifies your Spanish level largely outweighs the time you’ll spend preparing for the exam and the relatively cheap expense it costs to apply for it. In addition, Spanish language learners of any level can take either exam. The only requirement for any Spanish language exam is that Spanish isn’t your native tongue, and you didn’t attend primary or secondary school in Spanish.

Spanish Language Exams

Fantastic Resume Addition

The fact that the DELE exam is issued by the Spanish government, is recognized worldwide, and doesn’t expire, means that it’s essential on any resume. For many employers, having certification in the DELE or SIELE carries much more weight than simply saying that one is fluent in Spanish. Using the names “Cervantes” or “DELE/SIELE” means that employers are able to know that you’ve been tested on all aspects of the language (reading, writing, listening) and have demonstrated your skills on a highly academic and professional level.

If you’re applying, or thinking about applying for a Spanish teaching position in your home country, these language exams will help you negotiate a better salary, and demonstrate your dedication and knowledge of the language. You’ll also be able to apply to university programs that require a high level of Spanish knowledge. Employers needs will always be constantly changing, but official certifications have always added valuable weights to a candidate’s ability.

Demonstrate Every Aspect of the Spanish Language

The most important reason that language exams carry so much weight is because they test applicants meticulously on all aspects of the Spanish language. DELE and SIELE, for instance, test you on your use of Spanish (proper verb forms, forming complete sentences), vocabulary (complex words), listening, speaking, and writing. Essentially, a language exam tests and grades the applicant on all facets of the Spanish language. A thorough prep course, such as that provided by Expanish, means that you’ll be able to breeze through the exam and carry the certificate with you the rest of your life. It also means that you’ll be able to understand people on the TV, radio, and you can confidently carry out complex conversations without getting lost.

Spanish Language Confidence Boost

This is the least tangible benefit of taking a language exam but also arguably the most important. Learning a new language is a complicated and long-term process. Along the journey, one can often feel that even though there is a clear improvement, your Spanish abilities are not quite acute enough. The DELE exam takes an abstract approach to learning and makes it concrete and quantifiable. There are official levels, from A1 (Beginner) to C2 (Advanced), and after taking the exams you’ll know exactly where you stand. Taking a Spanish language exam like the DELE or SIELE means you’ll never have to doubt your language abilities again, as your Spanish was approved by the highest authorities.

With your official Spanish language exam on hand, you’re ready to take on the Spanish-speaking world. You’re ready to travel to new countries, work in an international company, and even watch Spanish Netflix shows without subtitles. Any way you look at it, the benefits of having a lifetime Spanish language diploma largely outweighs the time and monetary investments. Spending 8 weeks in an Expanish prep course will prepare you completely for the exam, no matter your current language level. Spanish language exams like the DELE or SIELE are undoubtedly worthwhile investments, it’s a one-time exam for a lifetime of foreign language fluency.

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